Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Coin Drive Final Assembly

Our final Coin Drive assembly occurred today, with the final total just under $2,500!!!!  Out of all classes, our class accumulated the most money for this great cause.  I am so proud of my students!!!  Your child will be receiving a free membership to the YMCA in recognition of their hard work!  Thank you for your support as well!

The grand total is....

12 Days of Christmas- Mrs. Carroll Style!

The brass choir from the high school even joined us for some holiday tunes :) 

Reindeer Games

In celebration of the children's amazing efforts in collecting money for the Kids-to-Kids Coin Drive, they were rewarded with Reindeer Games- fun holiday-themed activities :)

Ring Around the Antler
Gift Toss

Speed Wrapping


We did it!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Theme Week

We dressed up in holiday themes this week, and boy, was it exciting!

Twin Day

They considered themselves triplets with their Mindcraft shirts :)

Holidays Finest
Holiday Characters
(many of us are wearing our elf hats from our elf activities)

Ugly Sweaters

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

On Thursday Santa visited our classroom.

He delivered our class a few gifts.  Thanks Santa!

All smiles!

We even sang Christmas carols to Santa, he loved it!

Ohhhh Winter!

Winter has been busy watching our class and getting into some shenanigans.

Coin Drive Assembly

To keep kids pumped up and motivated to keep collecting for our coin drive, we had a holiday themed assembly.  Aden and Nathan were even called up to play a fun game.  They had to get a cotton ball on their nose, which was covered with vasoline, without using their hands!

Teachers were wrapped as presents :)

Mrs. Yontosh and Mr. Besch became a snowman and snow woman :)

Holiday Store

The children eagerly shopped around for their friends and family at our annual Holiday Store.  Thanks to everyone who helped in making this a great success!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Lunch Lounge

Our class earned the most money in the Coin Drive last week, earning us a special lunch lounge in the cafeteria on Monday. Keep up the great work for an amazing cause!!!!

Meet Winter!

A letter and book were delivered from Santa informing us of a special visitor who would be watching us, and reporting back to him each night.  Meet our sneaky elf Winter who has now joined our class.

Holiday Show and Rehearsal

The kids worked so hard practicing for the Holiday show.  It turned out wonderful! I was so proud of all of them.  I am sorry I didn't get pictures backstage of all of the children, it gets kind of hectic back there ;)


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Kids-for-Kids Coin Drive

On Friday, we had a kick-off assembly for the Coin Drive.  Amelia played Plinko and earned our class our first 50 pennies!  A green note was sent home with all the Coin Drive information, but I'll also keep you updated through email.

Interesting Information

If you happen to be in the school, come check out our career projects hung outside our classroom!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Career Day!

Our Career Day was a super success!  We had our own version of a career fair.  Each child set up their own station with props and the nonfiction book they created.  Students from the other classes were able to rotate around and visit each station.  We learned all about where these careers are, what types of transportation can be used, the tools/technologies that are associated with the career, as well as other interesting facts that were gained throughout our research.  Ask your child about their experience at the fair :)
Football Player


Fashion Designer

Police Officer


Police Officer



Baseball Player








Police Officer

