Saturday, November 21, 2015

Busting Some Tunes :)

Brianna playing her harmonica at recess. I just thought this was so cute I had to share! 

Magic Show

To celebrate all of the children's hard work involved with the fundraiser, we enjoyed a magic show on Friday afternoon.  It was so much fun!

So engaged!
Cameron even got called up as a volunteer!!!

And Mrs. Rados!!!

Logan even got a piece of rope from one of the tricks :)

Campfire Celebration!

In order to mark the completion of our personal narrative writing unit, we celebrated with a campfire!  Each child sat in a circle and shared their pieces.  The campfire including smores (well pop tart smores), flashlights, and even a crackling fire in the background :)

Play Dough

We learned about the term "process" and how it is a series of steps in creating something.  In order to begin the play dough process, the children investigated the materials used to make play dough including water, salt, and flour.  We created rubrics in order to determine if play dough was high quality or low quality, and deigned our own usage test.  We named it the Snowman Test.  We knew it was high quality play dough if a snowman could be formed without becoming mushy.  After that, we even wrote our first science lab report!
Look at that snowman! 

What is Technology?

During our engineering unit we discussed the meaning of technology, and targeted the common misconception that it means an electronic device.  We learned how technology is anything that has been designed and created to solve a problem.  The children explored this by analyzing a piece of technology in a mystery bag.



CD Case


Shoe Horn

Nail File

Ice Cube Tray

Post-It Notes

Glue Stick


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Veteran's Day!

We engaged in many stations throughout the day in celebration of Veteran's Day.  We learned so much information and truly gained a wonderful understanding of the importance of serving our country.  Thank you Veterans!!!

We started our day with Mrs. Blair (guidance counselor), where we listened to a read aloud and watched a video about the history of Veteran's Day.

We talked to Mrs. Baney who taught us about the importance of the American flag.  

We learned about clothing, gear, and even did some drills.

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We listened to the experiences of Mr. Kuhlman and Mr. & Mrs. Forsythe in the Marines.   We had lots of questions!

We were even able to visit Hunter's dad, Mr. Guiswite!  He taught us about mre (meals ready to eat).  We saw many examples, learned how they are heated up, and were even able to try some meatballs.  Such a great experience! 

Brianna's dad, Mr. Eyer, came in to teach us about military vehicles.  How wonderful to see this type of transportation first hand!
I was able to snap a few pictures while helmets were being passed around.

We even braved the rain to get a closer look!
Mrs. Ashe gave the kids experience with  PT (physical training).  I only could take a few, as I participated too, hah!