Saturday, January 18, 2014

Animal Lounge

We were one of the first classes to earn 60 days of great behavior in the cafeteria!  Because of this, we earned the VIP Lounge.  We even got to vote on a theme for our lounge.  We choose an animal theme, where we dressed in animal t-shirts & ears, and our stuffed animals were even welcome :)  They had a blast!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Our Community!

 Unit 3 for our Language Arts curriculum focused on the question "What makes a good community?" We were determined to answer this question by exploring a variety of resources including books, the internet, and movies.  The second graders were split up into four groups: people, places, transportation, and resources.  Using their accompanying research, the children worked together to create our mini-community!  The children loved creating the parts that they felt were most important :) It was such a great way to start off the new year!

Creating a prison

A home, with accompanying cuddly dog

Laying roads and trees is hard work!

Our finished product :)

We love our community!