Saturday, February 22, 2014

100th Day!!!

On Thursday we celebrated our 100th day in second grade!!!  Can you believe it?!  It feels like it was just yesterday that they were walking through the classroom door on the first day.  We had an exciting 100th day.  We did 100th day exercises, saw what we could do in 100 seconds, discussed life 100 years ago and 100 years in the future, and enjoyed our 100th day snack.  I am looking forward to all the learning that will continue to take place in our class!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day

After all the snow day and delays, I was very thankful to have the kiddos for Valentine's Day!  It's always nice to just have fun and enjoy each other's company.  We played games, decorated our bags for our valentines,  enjoyed treats, and celebrated our friendships :)  Here is a small taste of our afternoon...


They got pretty creative with props :)

For our end of unit fluency presentations, children acted out the play Sled Dog Days.  This allowed them to get creative, while also improving their fluency while reading.  They did such an amazing job!  I think we have some future actors in the class!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Goodbye :(

On Friday, we said goodbye to our good friend Ethan who moved to another area.  We shared some memories, had some fun, and enjoyed a treat on his last day.  We will miss you Ethan! Good luck at your new school!

Guest Speaker

This week we read about and discussed how weather is measured and predicted.  Mr. D, who works at Accuweather, came in to discuss his job and how scientists go about studying the weather.  We were full of questions, and truly enjoyed our weather unit!