Saturday, October 18, 2014

Book Share

On Thursday we had our first "Book Share."  A member of each reading group was placed together.  They then shared what they read for the week, and explained the tools and technology that were present in the story.  Other children listened carefully and asked questions along the way.  They did an amazing job, I heard many rich discussions!!!

Indoor Recess

After so many beautiful days outside for recess, we had our first rainy day.  The kids stayed in and were finally able to explore our toy/game closet :)

Playing School :)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Mrs. O

Mrs. O even donated her hair to Locks of Love.  Several children who have been touched by cancer in some way helped to do this at our afternoon assembly.  It really was so wonderful to see!

Relay for Life

The kids were able to show their support for the Relay for Life when they ran around our track Friday afternoon.  We learned about ways to keep our bodies healthy and how to implement more exercise within our daily routines.

Relay for Life Spirit Days

Pj Day!

Purple Shirt Day!

Crazy Hair Day!

Chrome Books!

We have been busy utilizing our Chrome Cart, the kids just love it!  Becoming familiar with these will help us integrate more technology in the classroom. 


After small groups shared their ideas, and researched in different texts, children were partnered up to interview a friend about their favorite/least favorite roles.

Inquiry Project

For our first Inquiry Project the children asked the question, "What roles do my friends have?" We split into four groups to brainstorm...

Roles at home

Roles in the future

Roles in the community

Roles at school