Sunday, December 20, 2015

Gingerbread Houses

There is no better activity for a Friday afternoon before Christmas than decorating gingerbread houses.  I had so much fun with the kids as we listened to Christmas music.  They were able to get very creative with their designs :)

Oh Taryn, that face :)


The kids were mesmerized by Santa when he visited our classroom on Friday.  He delivered gifts and spent some time talking with the kids.

Tossing gifts 

Looking around to see who has been naughty or nice.

Our blurry classroom pic :)

Look at all those balls!!!

Career Day!

Second Grade Career Day was an absolute success! The children were very excited to share their knowledge with visitors in the classroom, and their costumes and props helped to extend the learning.  We first visited Mrs. Haagen's class, and then we set up stations our classroom.  It was wonderful to see how engaged they were!!!

Riley- Chef

Amryn- Construction Worker


Logan- Football Player

Evan- SWAT Team

Kayden- EMT

Brianna- Cheerleader

Aubrey- EMT

Breanna- Author


Hunter- Football Player

Cameron- Scientist

Brianna- Air Force

Victoria- Animal Trainer

Korey- Doctor

Makenna- Artist

Rylan- Zoo Keeper

Bryce- Firefighter

Owen- Army

Ian- Archeologist

Nick- Farmer

  Our friend Khaya did a wonderful job as a teacher :)  But of course there was some issues with my phone, so those pictures didn't turn out.  Sorry Khaya!  Quentin was also absent that day, he studied software engineers.  He presented his information to the class.


Doing some cheers :)