Saturday, January 30, 2016

Mini-Thon Kickoff

On Friday, we also had our Mini-Thon kickoff assembly in which the children learned about the Four Diamonds Fund, including its history and why we are raising money for this amazing cause.  More information will be sent home about fundraising events as well as other ways we will be raising money.
Our birthday boy Kayden won some Thon swag in a random drawing.  What a perfect surprise on his special day :)

For The Kids!

Character Puppets

Our first two presenters did a wonderful job sharing their character puppets to the class. I LOVED hearing their character voices.  I cannot wait to see the rest on Monday!  This is great preparation for our next writing unit, in which we will be writing opinion pieces based on favorite books and characters.

Logan and Sponge Bob

Nick and Arthur

Book Buddies

On Friday the whole school met with their book buddies.  We were paired with Mrs. Defonzo's fifth grade and had so much fun!  We read the nonfiction books we wrote, as well as other books to show off our reading skills.  Fifth grade took a turn reading to us as well.  What a great time! I wish I would have taken a picture of all students, although half the class went to Mrs. Defonzo's room.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Jersey Day

Jersey Day was a big hit in the classroom.  You should have seen the excitement!!!


This week we focused on measurement during math.  We practiced measuring to the nearest foot, inch, and centimeter.  Here is a little peak of the children measuring objects around the classroom to the nearest foot.

Lunch Reward

We won another month of great behavior in the cafeteria.  Our reward was lunch on the stage.  Good job Second Grade!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Officer Phil

Officer Phil taught the kids about safety at school and in the community with a silly and fun magic show.  We even had a couple kids from our class help out!
Kayden's brother was asked to volunteer, Kayden was so proud!

Hey Korey!

And Quentin :)

Land and Water

This past week we continued our Land and Water science unit, we explored what happens to both land and water when it rains.  The students modeled rain by squeezing a bottle of water over the land, discussing the changes, and writing about their observations.

Welcome Back!

To ring in the New Year, we completed a selfie project where we wrote about our goals for 2016 and drew a selfie of our face.  I let students take their own selfie if they wanted :)