Friday, January 16, 2015

Our Community!!!

We spent a lot of time planning and preparing for the creation of our community.  When the day finally came, the kids were hard at work, and it turned out fantastic!  The kids said they even wished they were small so they could live there, hah!

Jordyn and Kassidy making the school and houses.

Xio and Dawson laying down the roads.

Gavin creating a car.

Emma, Amelia, and trees, trees, trees.

Christian and Nathan creating The Smithsonian and police station. 

Carter and David creating a factory and hotel.

Keagan making Keagan Enterprises and Aden creating army vehicles.

Jack and Caleb constructing roads and parks.

Alannah, Isaiah, and Alyssa working on the farm.

Raegan and Danica making some odds and ends to make our community complete.

Almost finished!

All done!

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